MEX - Middle East Express

The MEX is UAFL’s flagship service giving the best transit times from India, Pakistan, and the UAE directly into our markets. Cargo from China, Asia, & Europe is transhipped onto this service over Jebel Ali.

★  18 Days Frequency.


Click on any of the port icons in the map below to view the Schedules and Transit Times for that specific port.


Port Information -

MUTSAMUDU 06.02 08.02 - - - - - - - -
MORONI 08.02 11.02 - - - - - - - -
PEMBA 11.02 16.02 - - - - - - - -
MUTSAMUDU 17.02 21.02 - - - - - - - -
Conventional or Container Terminal Total Quay Length Conventional Container Gantry Cranes 24 hrs Pilotage Night Navigation Cargo Operations
Conv. 7 (one to seven) Conv. 1,280m Conv. 13 M Conv. Yes 5-7mt Two shifts-16hs Yes 24 hours
Cont. 4 (eight to eleven) Cont. 720m Cont. 11 M Cont. Yes 35mt Yes Yes 24 hours
Mixed Berth - 1 300 M 9,00M NO (FORKLIFT) Yes Yes 24 hours
2 x conventional terminals = 20 berths 4530 M 5.8 to 12.9 M No Yes Yes 24 hours
2 x container terminals = 12 berths 2645 M 11.9 M Yes Yes Yes 24 hours
2 conventional and container Terminal Mixed 130 M 11.00 M No Yes Normally yes 12h + 3h overtime
Conventional 250 M 4,50 M (high tide) Yes No Yes 2 shifts of 8 hours
Two: cntainer Terminal and 300. M 11.0 M Container - 2 Yes Yes 24 hours 3 shifts
Cabotage berth 150.0 M 6.5 M Cabotage - 0 Yes Yes
1 conventional berth 30 M 4.5 M No
Conventional -16 3044 M 10 M No Yes Yes 24 hours
Container Terminal - 5 964 M 10.4 M 80 MT
One general berth for both 80 M 3.5 M No , Vessel Crane No 12 hrs No 24 hours
One general berth for both 237 M 8.5 max for 174 M and then 3 for 63 M No Yes Yes 24 hours
Conventional - 4 610 M 9.5 M No Yes Yes 24 hours
Container Terminal - 2 372 M 14 M No Yes Yes 24 hours
Container Terminal - 1 150 M Draft Yes No Yes 3 Shift of 8hrs
1 conventional berth 182 M 10 M No Yes Yes 24 hours
Conventional Quay 1 = 125mtrs 11 M No Yes Yes 24 hrs service
Quay 2-4 = 540mtrs Ship's cranes only For Containers Only
Container Terminal 240 M 4.50 M No No No 24 hours
Mixed Conventional and Container Terminal 2 X 500 M 12,00 M Yes 70,00 MT Yes Yes 14 hours
2 Container terminal 356 M 10 M to 10.5M 3 cranes 100mt each Yes Yes Per shift(3 shift /day)
1 tanker post max LOA avilable 200m 12 M No From 06h00 to 16h00 for berthing Sailing out yes Total N°of hours
1 bulk cargo terminal+2 breakbulk cargo berth 170 + 290 M 9.5 M / 8.5 M / 7M No Yes Yes Per shift(3 shift /day)
Mixed Berth - 1 200 M 7,50 M No Daytime No Conv. 12hrs(daytime) Containers 24/ 24 hours
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